R.Dist.Comp. Graham Holden,V.
Provincial Grand Summus Midland Counties
Weight Loss Challenge
The race in on
Dep Provincial Grand Summus
The Order of the Masonic Knights of the Scarlet Cord was originally founded in 1889 but fell into abeyance in 1929 and remained dormant until 21 July 2010, when it was again reinstated.
The Scarlet Cord is a companion to the Order of the Secret Monitor, and only Masons who have completed their second (or Princes) degree are allowed admittance.
Since it was reinstated in 2010, the Order has continued to grow and presently has 28 Provinces and nearing 150 Consistories now on the Roll of the Grand Senatus administered by Mark Masons’ Hall.
The Consistories forming the Province of Midland Counties and their geographically spread over Staffordshire, Shropshire, Warwickshire, and Worcestershire are shown in “The Province” Page on this web site.
Our Consistories offer a wide choice to potential candidates, with four Consistories holding morning meetings and the other five meeting in the evenings. Each Consistory holds just three meetings per year.
A brief history of The Ancient and Masonic Order of the Scarlet Cord, and the six Grades of the Order, is outlined on another page, together with a brief synopsis of the ceremonies.
If you are a member of the Secret Monitor or, indeed, a Craft Mason wishing to join our colourful Order, please leave us a message on the contact page of our website.

The Order of the Masonic Knights of the Scarlet Cord was originally founded in 1889 but fell into abeyance in 1929 and remained dormant until 21 July 2010, when it was again reinstated.
The Scarlet Cord is a companion to the Order of the Secret Monitor, and only Masons who have completed their second (or Princes) degree are allowed admittance.
Since it was reinstated in 2010, the Order has continued to grow and presently has 28 Provinces and nearing 150 Consistories now on the Roll of the Grand Senatus administered by Mark Masons’ Hall.
In the Province of Midland Counties, we have eight Consistories with a ninth planned for this October, geographically spread over Staffordshire, Shropshire, Warwickshire and Worcestershire.
Our Consistories offer a wide ch
oice to potential candidates, with four Consistories holding morning meetings and the other five meeting in the evenings. Each Consistory holds just three meetings per year.
A brief history of The Ancient and Masonic Order of the Scarlet Cord, and the six Grades of the Order, is outlined on another page, together with a brief synopsis of the ceremonies.
If you are a member of the Secret Monitor or, indeed, a Craft Mason wishing to join our colourful Order, please leave us a message on the contact page of our website.
R.Dist.Comp. Graham Holden,V.
Provincial Grand Summus Midland Counties