Midland Counties Scarlet Cord attendance at the Staffordshire and Shropshire Provincial Grand Conclave

Our Provincial Grand Summus R.Dist.Comp. Graham Holden, together with our Dep.Prov.G.S. V.Dist.Comp. Trevor Leslie Cavill, our Asst.Prov.G.S  Dist.Comp. Kenneth Ian Walchester attended the meeting of Staffordshire and Shropshire Provincial Grand Conclave supported by many members of Midland Counties Scarlet Cord.

At the meeting our Provincial Grand Summus retired as Deputy ProvGSR after 9 years in that office. After thanking him for his service R.Wy.Bro John Stafford Stevens, Prov.G.S.R. for Staffordshire and Shropshire, our Past.Prov.G.Summus., proceeded to appoint, obligated and invested his new Deputy ProvGSR namely our Provincial Recorder Dist.Comp. Ian Pritchard Bennett.

….and we collectively send our best wishes to Ian for the future in that office…

The meeting was also attended by the PGSR’s of Warwickshire and Worcestershire, R.Wy.Bro. Dennis Freshwater and R.Wy.Bro. Robert Vaughan.

Demonstrating the indissoluble link between the Scarlet Cord and the Order of Secret Monitor.